colourQ challenge #79...

For anyone morbidly curious...ouch!!!
And if you're chosen as a colourQ Courtier - you'll get this one!
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Hello! I'm Arielle H Gordon, a wacky stamping/scrapping gal, and owner/digi artist of Wax Fruit Company! I have 2 sweet kiddos, an enabling husband & many dear blogging friends - I AM TRULY BLESSED! Please feel free to contact me and thanks so much for stopping by! |
colourQ © 2008. Template by Dicas Blogger.
Oh no! I hope your little guy is okay!
Ouchie! Hope he's feeling better. I love that little curl on his forehead. Adorable!
Poor little guy. Fortunately children bounce back quickly! Great colors!
Oh, the poor little mite, l bet your feeling it with him!
Hi there, it looks bad, but try Arnica gel (manufacturer ist boiron), which is a homeopathic remedy. the gel will cool and soothe, and the arnica will take the bruising down. I have a son, too, and arnica always in my purse...
good luck,
Oh poor little guy!
Ouch!!!I am sure he is a brave little soul
Oh,oh,oh :(...
Poor little guy...!!! Bruising always looks worse day two so hang in there, he should be just fine. Until then, you can tell him he is like a Pirate or something and he'll enjoy it rather than be upset by it (((hugs))).
This is a gorgeous color challenge! I LOVE it!! I hope I can get a chance to play. :)
Oh Arielle, I am so sorry! Black eyes are horrible, they hurt!
Arielle - i do hope that Alex is okay. That looks so painful and it's going to go through so many colours in the next week or so! Hugs to you both!!
Oh yes, the colour challenge is fab!
We did almost that exact same thing here recently. Just a tiny bit lower but just about as bad looking plus a few hours in the emergency room to make sure all was OK! Kids bounch back quickly so hopefully he is in great shape soon. How abotu you though! These thigns are so trying on a poor parent!
Oh my goodness! I hope all is ok! As a mom of a VERY active little boy! I have been there! Mine had a cut above his eye and it was black and looked terrible for a long time. (Worse the night and next day). I was worried someone was going to call CPS it looked that bad, but as a mother of boys I am sure this is many to come! It's never easy! Hugs to you both!
Arielle, I hope Alex is feeling better soon!
It always hurts us more than it hurts them :(
Hope he can get the "skin glue" instead of stitches (if he needs them).
He's still gorgeous!
My little one fell into the support pole in our basement and it took a long time for the swelling and then the bruising to go away. All of the blood vessels being close the surface make head injuries look worse than they are. I hope he's feeling better soon!
Uh oh! Poor little bugger! Somehow a healing black eye gives a little boy character......a pint sized tough guy! Hope he's on the mend soon!
OUCH! that had to hurt! I hope all is well with your little guy! Now I can't wait to see the scrapbook page you create with these photos! ;)
As for the color challenge last week...THANK YOU for selecting my card. It made my day! :)
Oh NO! :( Poor baby! I hope he is beginning to feel a little better.
Poor little guy! Hope there is nothing seriously wrong and that he feels better soon
I was going to say you could use his eye as your "project" this week because there are a lot of colors on it! :) Hope it is looking better now!
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Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had fun playing with the challenge, but if you didn't play, I hope you will soon! ~Arielle