I still have a sick kiddo at home (pollen/virus? who knows...) so I'm running late!
I must say, though, the oh-so-talented Royal Court DT has amazing samples for you today, so while you wait, go click on their names over at the right & take yourself on a mini blog hop! Not only will you get a sneek peek, you'll also get your crafty mojo going... then meet me back here at 9:30 CST for last week's winner & this week's new challenge...
Some of you may even have your entry for this week completed by then...
Aw.....we thought he was better, huh? Hope it's not too serious....we miss you!
Nope, I'm starting to think it's the pollen.... everything outside is yellow! Jeff took Alex outside before I got home from work & he started acting funny afterwards... whiny & crying & clingy.... I couldn't get anything done & couldn't get him to bed until late... Jeff leaves for work @ 9:30 & Alex was STILL up... by the time he went down I had to start my daily bottle washing & sterilizing routine!
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Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had fun playing with the challenge, but if you didn't play, I hope you will soon! ~Arielle