
colourQ challenge #14...

Whew, I'm still in shock over all the entries last week... how awesome was that?!? Okay gals, I know this week might be a little bit of a stumper with that Regal Rose... but you have all proven over & over again that you can miraculously make it work! Besides, I've been dying to use Rich Razzleberry in a challenge - lol!

This week's inspiration really jumped out at me, how cute!!! This dress is from Moxie Kids Online, and is made by Pink Chicken New York. I would n-e-v-e-r pay this much for a kids dress in real life, but isn't it really sweet ~ LOVE THOSE COLORS!

Here's my take on this week's challenge, more info is on my blog...

Okay, it's your turn now!

Using Mister Linky below, please add your name & the direct link to your image! Any mis-linked creations are subject to deletion, but I will try to contact you if I have to delete it, so that you can try again! If Mr. Linky is still having trouble... you can leave a link in a comment, as well! Please have your project uploaded no later Sunday, January 10th at 11: 59 pm Central, if you wish to be considered for the colourQueen of the week. I'll make my pick on 01/11/2010, and post the winner who'll be able to display colourQ's colourQueen badge, and also be a future guest designer!

Just a reminder, the stork will be visiting me on January 14th (hopefully no sooner!), but it shouldn't interfere too much with the challenge... but you never know...

Have fun & I hope you get to play along this week!!!

12 Comentários:

LeAnne said...

OMW, this is adorable! I can't wait to play....I hope I can play!!! I was just looking at my spring Soft Subtles yesterday and wondering when the last time I used ANY shade of pale purple!?

Beverly G said...

Love the colors--love the way you punched your corners-how did you do that?Hope you still have my email.

Krystal De Leeuw said...

Love it! I hope I can find a chance to stamp this week!

Anonymous said...

AHHH! This color combo is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to play!

Laura.K said...

Gorgeous colors and I hope the birth will go well.

Melissa said...

Yep - Ditto everything everyone else has already said! :)

Unknown said...

these are great colors! i hope i did them justice! AMAZING DT samples!!!

Iwona Palamountain (Chupa) said...

Hi Arielle, I'm thrilled to be working alongside you in the Color Dare DT - you talent is amazing! I also discovered your challenges, and since I'm too a sucker for colour combos, I couldn't help but play along lol! :))

Shaz said...

Blessing to you as you wait for your baby to arrive!
I am sure Maisie will get lots of Birthday hugs but here is one for you!

karen h said...

Awesome color combo - thanks for hosting!

Ann Schach said...

Great color combination! Beautiful inspiration card.

Sam said...

Arielle, I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the challenge. The colors were awesome and I had great fun with it. It is the first time I have come across your site. I am officially a scrapbooker although the last few days I have been lost in another dimension. Best of luck with your upcoming arrival.

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Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had fun playing with the challenge, but if you didn't play, I hope you will soon! ~Arielle


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