
Merry Christmas and some news...

Hello friends! 

Thank you so much for stopping by. Christmas is almost here, and this is probably one of the darkest seasons for me, and much of my family. It's been difficult to concentrate on so many levels. I am sincerely sorry for the challenge being so abandoned like this... but honestly, I have had nothing left at the end of each day to even think of logging on to my computer.

My grandmother passed away the Sunday before Thanksgiving, just when we thought things were looking up. She and my grandfather were married for 64 years. He is 91, and they were always together. I can't imagine the loss he feels. My mother was with her at the time, and her sadness is at a depth I've never seen. I try to help, and try to comfort, but I don't always feel I am. Telling the kids was the hardest thing I think I have ever done. 

My 15 year old bird, Kiwi, passed away the next Sunday. He was family, too! I will miss his crazy call of the Amazon, and his little chirping at the birds outside on the windchime hanger.

The very next Sunday, Jeff's father passed away unexpectedly. Jeff drove the 13 hours to Virginia to help clear his things and put him to rest without us. I was terrified he wouldn't make it back, but some of that could have been my delirium from strep, Yes, that's right, throughout all this the kids were sick a day or two each week for three weeks in a row, then Maisie got strep, and then I got it around the time Jeff left. Good news is he made it back yesterday (and made me go to the doctor today!). His dad had our Christmas card ready to go. And instead of signing his name, and a short message of love, he actually wrote a personal note to each of us. Like he knew.

So it's Christmas. I am trying to make it as normal as usual. But fighting the sadness not only for yourself, but your husband and kids and mom this time of year AND keep things normal is unreal. And I am So.Not.A.Superwoman. 

But Christmas is about our Savior's birth, family and love. And we're trying to concentrate on that. We are reminiscing and loving each other and trying to find simple joys this season. And we KNOW that's the gift of Christ's birth gives us assurance of being with these loved ones again. And that is a peace you can feel and hold onto.

I keep thinking about this verse. I shared it with the kids when trying to explain that when you love Jesus with all your heart, you rejoice in the day you can go home. Our real home in Heaven. And Meme and Jerry are rejoicing, and we should try to not be so sad.

For we live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away 
from the body and at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:7-8 NIV

Have the most blessed Christmas season! I hope you spend it with people you love, and if you aren't able, adopt someone! I will in the meantime get myself back together and see you back here in the New Year with new palettes!

Big hugs,

189 Comentários:

Karren said...

I am so sorry for all your losses. Hugs to you and your family. Spend time with them and don't worry about the challenge blog.

Claire said...

Oh Arielle, so sorry to hear your news - what a huge amount of loss to cope with. Things like this always seem so much worse at Christmas too. I'll be thinking about you this Christmas and hope 2017 proves to be a much happier and healthier year for you all xxxx

Karla Rapalje said...

I too am sorry for all your losses. Thankful to know you know where your grandma and father in law are. You were missed on this site.
Hugs from N.C.

Birgit said...

I was wondering if something bad happened and was hoping I was wrong. This is so difficult for you. Even though your mom lived a good and long life, it is never easy to lose your mom and now you need to watch over your dad who is grieving tremendously. They were so blessed to have a marriage for this long and very lucky. We just lost our fur baby, Mia, our cat on Dec1st and it is difficult to lose a pet because they are a member of your family. I lost my lab, Katie 41/2 years ago and I still miss her every day. Funny how things come in 3's....your husband's father is the third and hopefully the last. It is difficult when one has to travel to care for everything and take care of all the things that come with a passing. My thoughts are with you and your family and I hope you can still have a blessed Christmas.

Melissa L. said...

I am praying for you, Arielle. I am so sorry and thank you for your transparency. Yes, Jesus came to give us hope that does not fail. I pray that you will know that He understands your loss and grieves with you. Jesus wept at his friend's grave and because of death. He prayed to His Father and asked for "the cup" to pass and He sweat blood with the knowledge of all that He'd endure. He knows our names and is intimately aware of all our sorrows. Psalm 56:8(NLT) You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.
You have blessed me with your faith and by testifying of your Hope during this dark time. It is ok to not be merry. God understands. Christmas is about Jesus coming to fulfill His Father's will. I think that Jesus' birth should always remind us of hope, not because He was born, but because of why He came. It's about the Cross. <3 I will pray that God will comfort you all in amazing, undeniable and unexpected ways in the weeks ahead.

Sylvia said...

We are all deeply saddened with you Arielle and stand in support for you. Thanks for the beautiful posting, I know it was hard to do. Blessings for you and your family this Christmas, again thank you for posting and letting us all know.

Cornelia (fun stamping) said...

So sorry for all your losses - what an immense amount of sadness to deal with! Take time to heal and I'll keep you in my thoughts!

Dana M said...

When it rains it pours - it looks like monsoon season for you and your family. My deepest sympathies and sending prayers of support and comfort.

Broni said...

You have certainly had a terribly hard couple of months. I'm so sorry. I pray for strength and comfort for you and your entire family, Arielle. May God bless and keep you.

Kathy Schweinfurth said...

Arielle, I'm so sad for your family's incredible losses and my heart goes out to you all. Prayers for comfort and strength - May you feel the Lords loving embrace.

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. I know this has to be the most difficult time you have ever had. I will keep all of you in my prayers.

Lisa Elton said...

My heart goes out to you and your family Arielle. Know that you all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. The team is here for whatever you need. Sending HUGS

Mona Pendleton said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you are able to find peace and comfort.

Maura said...

Sending wishes of strength and peace and healing.

~amy~ said...

Arielle, my heart goes out for you! Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts.

Diane - said...

Arielle I am so very sorry for your loss. I do know what's it is like to loose 'too many' loved ones. I hope you find comfort in the wonderful memories of the past. Know they are smiling down on you this Christmas and all the ones to come.
Hugs Diane

Deborah Frings said...

Arielle - I am so sorry to read of all these losses. It's always hard, but more particularly at such family holiday periods. Sending all love and positive thoughts to you and your family. Take comfort in the memories of all the wonderful times you shared. xxx

Julie Gearinger said...

So sorry to hear of this sad news...praying for you and your family Arielle! Hugs and may the Lord bless you over the Christmas holiday with peace and loving memories...

Gerrina said...

Sending you some energy to make it trough each day. You don't have to be a super woman or supermam, just be there, even if you could not imagen what to say, just being tohether and there is the most important thing to do!
Stay warm and together!

Birgit said...

You've all gone through so much in a short period of time. It takes time to heal and wrap your head around such sudden losses. Just know that you're in my prayers and hold on to that verse and other promises of God's faithfulness. (hugs)

Marisa said...

Huge ((hugs)) to you. Grief is a tough thing to walk through at the best of times and ammplified by two, I can't imagine. Thankful you have Jesus to lean on and may his peace, love, strength and presence fill your heart and touch you in a very special way.

Life Full of Sunflowers said...

Oh Arielle - I am so sorry for all that you and your family are going through. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers during the healing process (both physical and emotionally). Sending you big hugs and lots of love !!!

Marlena M. said...

I'm so so sorry Arielle. I pray God give you courage and peace for each new day. In Him~

maria f. said...

Very sorry for your losses, Arielle.

Kathryn said...

God bless you Arielle, family and your own needs must come first. You have absolutely no need to apologize for anything. I hope you will continue to find love and comfort in the scriptures and in the light of Christ. If there had been no Easter, there would have been no Christmas either. The hope of the Resurrection and of Deliverance gives meaning to all of it. He will be close to you in these times of trial. Very, very close.

Teresa Kline said...

saying prayers for you and your family arielle! thank you for sharing such uplifting words and scripture in your difficult time...god bless you!

Janny's Cards Creations said...

So much loss in such a short time. The only thing I can offer is. I wish you much strength and love. Janny XX

Kim said...

My heart goes out to you Arielle. You are right that this is not our home, but we live here right now, and all of these things are terribly difficult. Try to stay focussed on God and His promises. Enjoy your family and the small and simple things as you are doing.

ElizStewart said...

Please don't feel you are alone... I am sure just typing your story out helped. I keep trying to remember that God does not give us more than we can bear...your strength shines through in your note. You just are not recognizing it at the moment. Hug those around you...they are thankful you are there and for all you do. You WILL have a Merry Christmas. Maybe different than years past but those you love will be around you. You will be in my prayers.

Macimbalo said...

Praying for you and your family. Hoping the love and prayers we are all sending will somehow help soothe your heart.

Vickie ODell said...

I knew something was wrong when I didn't see your updates for a few weeks. I'm so glad you took time to share your burden. I will be praying for you and yours and will look forward to meeting your loved ones some day when I get HOME, too. May God's loving arms hold you close to Him during this difficult time, so that some day you'll be able to comfort someone else with the story of how He saw you through this difficulty. Hugs --

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Magic Flying Boots said...

I'm so sorry for your losses, which are especially hard at this time of the year. My heart really goes out to you and your family. I can't imagine how overwhelming it must all feel at the moment. I sincerely hope the new year will bring you lots of love, happiness and healing with your family and friends.

bristowmom said...

My family also lost someone 2 weeks before Christmas so I know something of how you feel, but thankful we only had 1 loss. You must be reeling! Like you, we have confidence that our loved one is with Jesus and that knowledge is so helpful.

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Happy Dance said...

Dear Arielle,
I'm so sorry for your losses. Christmas is a good time to remember the promise God sent for us all; Jesus was the first fruit of the resurrection and we will follow in the time He has chosen for us. Having suffered loss, too, I understand the heartache you are going through. Please feel free to drop me an email anytime. And I know your faith; it will see you through. Blessings in this coming year, Bev

Darnell said...

I'm so very sorry to just be reading now what has been happening with you and your family, Arielle, and I'm so sorry for all that you've lost so suddenly. I'm sending big hugs of comfort and prayers that only happy days lie ahead for a very long time. Hugs, Darnell

Jeanie Ellis - Scrapbookingmamaw said...

I just discovered your blog, and to see your sad news breaks my heart for you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss, and you will be in my prayers! God bless! Jeanie Ellis - Scrapbookingmamaw

Angel said...

Well, goodness. I am so very sorry to hear all of this. Praying that things get better every day. Take care of yourself. HUGS!

Lindsey said...

Oh, Arielle! I am so terribly sorry for all of your losses. I can't even imagine. I pray your faith can get you through this time. May you all feel peace!

Barbara Greenberg said...

I'm behind on reading blogs I follow but I am so saddened by all your losses. My heart goes out to all of you. I hope the new year will start some of the healing. I know it takes time but prayers to all of you.

MarvA1ix said...

God bless you, and I hope you and your family are healing and finding peace where you can. My heart aches for you.
I remember being in a similar place through the years. Years ago my mother died Thanksgiving weekend, when my father died it was Dec 16, right after 9/11, and our hearts were so sad. All of those memories come back as the holidays pass, but over the years it gets better and better as we think of them with joy.

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