colourQ challenge #144 ~ Winner Crowned...
Good morning! Thank you all so much for playing this week - I really enjoyed visiting all your spectacular blogs and seeing your gorgeous projects up close! I am thrilled that we have so many talented ladies playing with us each week! It makes our job of voting so difficult!
Speaking of voting - the votes are all in! Please help me give a HUGE CONGRATS to this week's colourQueen, for this exquisite, flutter~y card....
And this week's colourQ Courtiers are quite inspiring, too!
Thank you all again, and as always, the courtiers are in no particular order. I hope you go visit them by clicking on the thumbnails above, and leave them some love!
See you back here in a few for some AWESOME new colors!

OMG!!!! Thank you soooooooooooooo much!! You all totally made my day!!!
thrilled to be a courtier, thank you ; )
This hot flash moment is one I welcome! Thank you for naming me one of the Courtiers!!
Thank you SO much for naming me as a Courtier! BIG Smiles here!
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Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had fun playing with the challenge, but if you didn't play, I hope you will soon! ~Arielle