
colourQ challenge #6...

I'm a little late posting this week's challenge, as Tropical Storm Ida pushes through, giving us lots of rain~ she's also given me internet connection woes! The inspiration this week is from Urban Outfitters, and it's the Sunshine Medallion Duvet Cover... aren't the colors brilliant?

I have to say I've been having a lot of fun with this challenge blog, I hope you have to! So many talented people popping in to share their creativity ~ it's amazing! Below is my take on the challenge, you can read more about it by clicking to image & visiting my blog...

I also would like to share a couple cards created by winners from our first challenge, Beverly S. & Ineke, they're both so whimsical & fabulous! You can visit their blogs by clicking their cards as well! Please leave them a little love on their blogs & let them know you care! Thank you gals so much for designing a card for this week's challenge!

Using Mister Linkey below, please add your name & the direct link to your image! Any mis-linked creations are subject to deletion, but I will try to contact you if I have to delete it, so that you can try again! Please have your project uploaded no later Sunday, November 15th at 11: 59 pm Central, if you wish to be considered for the colourQueen of the week. I'll make my pick on 11/16/09, and post the winner who'll be able to display colourQ's colourQueen badge, and also be a future guest designer!

4 Comentários:

Anonymous said...

Great colors! I just found your blog and I am so glad I did! Color challenges are one of my favorites!!

Jill said...

Really loved the colour scheme this week, thanks for looking at my effort.

Beverly G said...

You really find some pretty pictures to be our inspiration. My ribbon is the mustard.

Life Full of Sunflowers said...

Hey Arielle - I finished your challenge. Nothing like getting to it at the very last minute, right? LOL I hope all is well and can't wait to see your new challenge tomorrow.


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Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had fun playing with the challenge, but if you didn't play, I hope you will soon! ~Arielle


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