And here are the gorgeous creations from this week's colourQ Courtiers!
Thank you all so much for playing along, we LOVED all the entries, and as usual we are all partially bald since we were pulling our hair out trying to decide on winners! As always you can click on any of the pics above to go visit the artist's blogs!
On a more serious note, some of the members of our team have had some sad as well as tragic news this past week. I won't divulge theirs, but a friend of mine has a 12 year old that was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last Friday and was only given 2 weeks, as it has already spread quickly. Apparently his ADHD medicine masked most of the important symptoms. Please pray for Brendan Franco, and for his family. And also a prayer for the families of our DT members.
I realize that all of you reading this may not be Christians, or may not have a belief system in place. Please understand that I'm not posting this to offend, but as a Christian and believer in Christ, I pray and ask for prayer when needed. In the same token, anything you ever read on this blog is written by me, and doesn't reflect anyone else's beliefs or opinions that is associated with the colourQ.
Thank you for your time, understanding and prayers, if you're so inclined.
AND thank you for being a part of such a fun group of colourQ crazed ladies!
Love and hugs! I'll be back in a few with this week's challenge!